The full moon in Cancer on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 5:26 pm EST serves as a wake-up call.

This and the coming week will be one of the most dramatic of the year. The full moon in Cancer is highly intense, and the drama doesn't ease up immediately—it continues to some extent over the next couple of weeks.
Mars is currently retrograding in Cancer and is just a few degrees away from the full moon on the night of Monday, January 13, 2025, at 5:26 PM EST. Thus, it closely influences the promises of this full moon. However, what lies ahead is mainly drama and overflowing emotions related to home, a sense of security, family, and how we react when we feel uncertain. Subconscious fears and feelings of insecurity will surface, making many irritable and restless. Conflict may also arise in response to the actions of societal leaders and how they impact us or our local communities.
Will we sit down and calmly, logically consider the true nature of the situation and what needs to be done? Or will we jump to conclusions and act immediately? Mars urges immediate action. The question is whether we choose to listen to Mars' angry call or not. Here, we can exercise our free will.
Sometimes, however, Mars is right—it will wake us up if we've been unwilling to address an issue that clearly requires action. Situations may heat up to the point where a reaction, one way or another, becomes unavoidable. During the full moon, we see things more clearly, or new information comes to light that we were previously unaware of.
The Sun (always opposite the Moon during a full moon) is in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. It gives us calm and cold advice to stop complaining, think logically, and mature as individuals. Saturn says, "If you want something to change, do something practical about it." However, the emotionally charged Moon, nearing Mars, struggles to hear such advice, which feels cold and unfeeling. The Moon primarily wants emotional acknowledgment, understanding, and reassurance for its feelings of insecurity, not logical reprimands.
Although emotions usually subside significantly within hours of a full moon, that won’t be the case this time. This is because Mars will oppose the Sun on Thursday, January 16, prolonging the conflict in some form for at least the next couple of weeks.
But that's not all. On Tuesday, January 21, the Sun conjuncts Pluto—the day after of the U.S. presidential inauguration. The symbolism is breathtaking. Pluto represents power, control, corruption, and intensity, while the Sun symbolizes vitality. In some sense, these forces represent a healthy ego (Sun) and its shadow side—subconscious fears and a hunger for power (Pluto). Simply put, vitality meets ambition for dominance.
At the same time, Venus squares Jupiter. Normally, this is a favorable aspect, and the only risk might be overindulgence. But in these dramatic circumstances, there's a danger of completely overestimating idealistic or romantic ideas and feelings, leading to incorrect conclusions about what should be done and when.
Finally, the lunar nodes have shifted from the Aries-Libra axis to the Pisces-Virgo axis for the next year and a half. This means the Pisces and Virgo areas of our charts will now experience significant karmic beginnings and endings.
This week and next, it's wise to look before you leap or react. On the other hand, we are also being urged to wake up from any complacency—if we've let things slide for far too long, Mars reminds us that now is the time to take action.
Ursula Lunardakini
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